Release History / Change Log ============================ 0.0.3 (April 16, 2019) ---------------------- **Improvements** * Added schedule_harvest() method. * Added schedule_weekly_harvest() method. * Added get_recently_ingested_sets_by_aggregator() method. * Added get_list_of_scheduled_harvests_by_provider() method. **Trivial and Dev Things** * Switch to letting Sphinx automatically handle todos. * Properly format XML output in docstrings. * Switch type of return for count_records_in_set() to int. 0.0.2 (January 1, 2019) ----------------------- **Improvements** * Added get_list_of_sets_by_provider() method. * Added get_options_for_harvests() * Added doctests and docs for: - get_options_for_records() - get_options_for_mappings() - get_aggregator_options() _ get_mapping_details() **Trivial and Dev Things** * Separated packages and dev packages. * Integrated pre-commit, black, and Flake8 into workflows. * Created todo list. * Created release history / change log. * Created 0.0.1 (December 30, 2018) ------------------------- * Birth and conception