Pyrepox: Repox for Humans

Pyrepox is a lightweight Repox client written in Python. It is designed to make reading, writing, updating, and deleting content in your Repox instance as convenient as possible.


>>> from repox.repox import Repox
>>> r = Repox("http://localhost:8080", "username", "password")
>>> r.list_all_aggregators()
>>> r.list_all_aggregators(verbose=True)
[{'id': 'dltn', 'name': 'Digital Library of Tennessee', 'nameCode': 'dltn',
'homepage': 'http://localhost:8080/repox'}]
>>> r.get_list_of_providers("dltn")
['utk', 'utc', 'cmhf', 'knox', 'mtsu', 'crossroads', 'tsla', 'nash', 'memphis']

The API Documentation / Guide

If you are looking for information about a specific method, its parameters, or its return value, this part is for you.


Report bugs, issues, and other problems

Report bugs through the issue tracker.

NOTE: some bugs are acknowledged in the TODO list.

Contributing Code

  • Fork the repo.

  • Clone locally.

  • Create a branch for your feature / issue.

$ git checkout -b name_of_bug_or_feature
  • After you’re done, run flake8 and black versus your changes and make sure you pass unittests:

$ flake8
$ black
$ python -m unittest --verbose
  • Add, commit, and push your branch to your fork.

$ git add
$ git commit -m "Talk about your change."
$ git push origin master
  • Open pull request.


Unit tests are appreciated. Instead of relying on a Repox instance, use mocks instead.

Search / Index

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Try here.